Ami Sarasvati, CMP
My musical career started as soon as I was big enough to crawl onto the piano bench. From the time I was 6 until I was 21 years old, I took piano lessons. This was my foundation for my work. In my 30s, a friend introduced me to the Native American style flute. I loved the soothing sound of this intriguing instrument and was ready to learn to play it at a level where I could be of service to others professionally. Truly the Native American style flute put the “play” factor back into my musical life.
In 2016, I wrote and published my book, Learn To Play The Native American Style Flute: Discover Your Heartsong. A couple of years later, I created the recorded course.
Yearning to be of service to the ill and dying in the clinical setting, I dedicated myself to the rigorous training of becoming a Certified Music Practitioner (CMP) through the Music For Healing and Transition Program. After earning my certification as a CMP, I worked at Concord Hospital (Concord NH) as well as numerous senior living communities. I attended Flute Haven for the Leadership & Musicianship Program where I learned about Music for People and began that training so that I could facilitate community music-making with a population that was near and dear to me – seniors, especially those with dementia. In NH, I did a ton of community music-making events in senior living communities, always weaving flute music into my offerings.
In 2018, after the death of both of my parents, I moved to Arizona and began teaching exclusively online. In 2025, I published my next book and course, Discover the Musical Modes on the Native American Style Flute.
Through these experiences, I have witnessed, again and again, the healing power of music for both the individual and the community. My musical ministry is to teach people to play the music they love on the Native American style flute as a rewarding personal hobby, a tool for self-expression, and if it is their goal, to prepare them to play in service to others.
Professional Education and Activity:
I teach private lessons and group classes on Lessonface.
Awarded Teacher of the Year of the Native American Style Flute in 2020-2024
It is a wonderful platform with past lesson videos, teacher notes, a recording studio and so much more. Lessonface is worth the little effort of signing up and getting acclimated to music lessons. The online option makes it easy for everyone to learn from home and maintain a high quality of instruction. The flute is the perfect instrument to teach online.
Certified Music Practitioner through the Music For Healing and Transition Program (MHTP)
and Faculty Teacher
Music For People (2024 graduate of their Musicianship Leadership Program)
Leadership & Musicianship Program (Clint Goss and Vera Shanov)
HealthRhythms Facilitator
Member of the World Flute Society and active contributing writer on the Health and Wellness Committee
Accredited T’ai Chi Chih® Instructor. See my page on
Trained Labyrinth Facilitator (Veriditas)
Certified Aromatherapist
Reiki Master Teacher